How do you value protecting the downside?
/Mitigating risk is always seen as a good thing, but how do you value that mitigation? There is no way with traditional cash flow methods to understand how valuable protecting the downside can be to your business. With Exponential Business methods, you are able to value downside mitigation scenarios by adjusting the probability curve to better understand how much the mitigation could be worth to your company.
One of the biggest reasons that "upgrades" and investments in infrastructure (e.g., IT) fail to achieve ROI is that traditional value creation methods do not know how to account for these investments, other than as negative cash flow. The benefits are typically accounted for in increments of time or productivity, making the business case dependent upon half an hour here or there. The business case is generally done as a matter of course to push the project through and never re-visited.
This methodology misses the forest for the trees. Every one of your competitors is working to make your downside risk a reality, and without your investments, they may win. By reducing the probability of their success (and your risk), the business case for your infrastructure investment or upgrade of business processes can be put on a solid basis.